18.09.2024, Wednesday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
Apmeklējumi šodien:
17, pašlaik vēro: 1.

» Catering

Restaurant Ungurmuiža
Address Ungurmuiža
Telephone 29426705
Email restorans@ungurmuiza.lv
WWW www.ungurmuiza.lv
Offer Local food.
Working time Mo - Fri 14-22; Sat, Sun.12-22
Cafe " Bērzi"
Address Plācis, Inčukalna-Valmieras highway, next to shop "Elvi". GPS: N57˚21.744′ E024˚58.618′
Telephone 64132229, 26117306
Email www.atputa-berzi.lv
Vietu skaits Ls 14.00 - 20.00 for room.
Offer There are 5 rooms for rent in our complex. We have 2 singles, 1 double, 1 room for 3 people and 1-lux room. Every room has a bathroom and satellite TV. It is possible to order food and drinks all night long. There is also a civilian parking lot for our guests. In the cafeteria "Berzi" you can enjoy tasty Latvian meals. And famous Latvian beer is going to be a best friend to your thirst, but we also order food for banquets and take-outs. At cafe is outdoor terrace. Sauna "Berzi" located in the nice building next to the cafeteria. Our banquet hall with fireplace has a capacity up to 60 persons.
Cafe "Šķesteri"
Address Straupe, Straupes parish. GPS: N57˚21.199′ E024˚57.323′
Telephone 29409182
Offer Delicious, fresh meal
Location on map View
Cafe "Norass", Aleta
Address Straupe, Straupes parish, next to fuel filling station "Lukoil" GPS: N57˚21.04′ E024˚57.072′
Telephone 20398995
Email norass@tvnet.lv
Vietu skaits 32
Offer Cafe, banquet room 40 – 50 people
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Izstrādāts: 101.lv