27.07.2024, Saturday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
Apmeklējumi šodien:
45, pašlaik vēro: 4.

» Accommodations » Tent places


Hunting, sport and recreation area "Mārkulīči"
Address Straupe parish GPS: N57˚18.105′ E024˚54.774′
Telephone 29464946 (call and make your reservation before arrive)
Email markulici@markulici.lv
WWW www.markulici.lv
Offer Outdoor shooting places for shooting with a variety of guns (airguns, hunting guns, rifle), bows hooting. Sportfields fir big and small companies. Swimming place, boats, fireplaces, open-air stage.
How to reach there? A3, at 28th kilometer
Location on map View



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