27.07.2024, Saturday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
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105, pašlaik vēro: 2.

» Accommodations » Tent places


Camping Apaļkalns
Address Raiskums parish, at Raiskums lake GPS: N57˚19.047′ E025˚08.876′
Telephone 29448188,29252679
Email apalkalns@inbox.lv
WWW www.apalkalns.lv
Offer A holiday house for four persons. The first floor of the house features a rest area with a TV and a radio set, a couch and a table. The kitchen area has a supply of cold and hot water, necessary dishes, a microwave oven, an electric pot, a fridge and an electric range. The toilet facilities provide a shower, a WC, a washbasin and a mirror shelf. The second floor is reserved for two bedrooms – one with two single beds and the other with one double bed (bedclothes provided). From the balcony of the first floor one can enjoy a nice view on the lake (sunrise). Campsite houses. Each of the three cabins can accommodate four people. They are equiped with two bunk beds( bedclothes provided), a table, chairs and a fridge. Shared premises are available for cooking, WC and having a shower. Homecars and caravans can be parked in the lawn on the bank of the lake or special platforms made just for campers. We have a lots of electrical connections. The place for discharging toilet, kitchen and shower waste provided. A site for water refill. A kitchen area, WCs and showers located in the premises of toilet facilities. Tents can be put up in the lawn on the bank of the lake. Electrical connection available. Shared premises are available for cooking, WC and having a shower. Canoe rental Car and Bike Rental Activities for children Sport activities
Working time The camping is open from the 15th of April till the 1st of October.
Description "Apaļkalns" attracts by its breadth, almost always clear sky, fresh air, breathtaking scenery, trails for walking or cycling, lake for swimming, fishing or boating. Here everyone can find an activity according to his/her age and interests.
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