27.07.2024, Saturday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
Apmeklējumi šodien:
86, pašlaik vēro: 3.

» Points of interest » Nature

"Vējiņi " Subterranean Lakes
Address Straupe parish, river Brasla right bank. GPS: N57˚20.429′ E024˚54.313′
Telephone 29354189
WWW www.pazemesezeri.lv
Offer Saturday and Sunday – ridding on a horse cart. There is available picnic places. ,,Stomach joy at fire” (announced it in advance), fishing in Brasla river or pound – free.
Working time All week from 10.00 till 18.00, except Monday closed.
Description The only subterranean lakes in Latvia. One of the passages which filled with water has an opening in the bank of the Brasla near the water level.
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Aņītes rock
Address Straup parish, about 1 km long in Braslas river left side, 1 km below Rīgas – Valmieras road bridge. GPS: N57˚17.234′ E024˚55.469′
Description Three sandy outcrops, 400 m long, yellowish - red Aņītes Long rock (2-7 m ) located Brasla reservoir East coast. In the next Braslas menader 20- 50 km distance of river is about 10 m high and 100 m long Aņītes Medium rock. In river lower, behind hatchery house, is 200 m long and 35 m height Aņītes Height rock. This rock is divided into several parts by nature.
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Battery hill – hillfort
Address Straupe parish
Description Battery Hill-Hillfort is located 1.5 km from the Centre of Straupe, near hillfort house. Hillfort is built 8 m high, steep hill, river Brasla and stream confluence. Hillfort plateau is elongate, 80 and 50 m big.
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Ēdernieku rock
Address Raiskums parish, river Gauja right bank, downstream Amata estuary at "Ēdernieku" home.
Description These rock is 40 m high, and on a wall are a few meters high bumps. At the base of the rock is 7 m wide and 5 m deep, river cut niche, in which you can enter by boat.
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Ēgļu Hill – castle mound
Address Straupe parish
Description Ēgļu hill – castle mound is located in Highland between Riebiņi and Eiķēnu lake. Castle mound is built in Highlands narrowest place, it is dug anew with moat and throw up ramparts.
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Gūdu Rock
Address Straupe parish, in river Gauja right bank, towards Līgatnes nature path.
Description Sandstone cliff. High 13 – 20 m, length ~250 m.
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Kvēpene Path
Address It is located in Raikuma parish.
Telephone 22483048
Description These learning and cognitive path gives chance to know more about Kvēpenes castle mound, there is a growing oak, as well as caves and source.
Blacksmith cave (Vaidavas cave)
Address Raiskuma parish, Srīķupe (Vaidava) river right bank, to Strīķi bridge.
Description In a sandstone cliff quite high above water level. The longest cave in Latvia,it is 45 m deep. The cave may be observed from a bench on the opposite riverbank. In the cave is constant + 6 degrees.
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Kvēpene Cave
Address Raiskums parish, river Gauja right bank, down to Kvēpene castle mound. GPS: N57˚16.541′ E025˚10.879′
Description Kvēpene cave is one of the longest cave in Latvia.
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Kvēpene Fir
Address Raikums parish, 1,5 km to the west of Kvēpeņu house, Gauja valley right side, 700 m from river.
Description Trunk girth is 3,1 m,high 39 m. Highest fire in Latvia. With dense foliage and thick, healthy needles. Grows in escarpment. It is unusual big rout system.
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Kvēpene Oak Tree
Address Raiskums parish, at Kvēpene castle mound. GPS: N57˚16.621′ E025˚10.884′
Description It grows near Kvēpene mound. It’s circumference is 6,1 m height 20 m. There is a legend that under castle mound was secret tunnel and it started under the oak. In the war through this tunnel was delivered food.
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Katrīna rock
Address Straupe parish
Description Sandstone Rock is 15 m high and 200 m long. At the rock river Gauja turned sharp and rock arced. Of the river stand out 15 high like pyramid sandstone molding. Other rock part isn’t at the river it covers the shrubs. There precipice is higher about 15 m. There are many ravines. In lunchtime there is sun and then there is specially beautiful. In all rock length can see grooves and niches. Highest groove marks the level of Gauja in first inundation. Niche in Katrīnas rock is 4 m deep, 4,5 wide, it is located 15 m highest molding foot of rock.
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Kvēpene castle mound
Address Raikums parish. GPS: N57˚16.621′ E025˚10.884′
Description About Kvēpene castle mound is remained legend that in the mound can’t be able to build a castle: how much in the day made, in the night devil pulled down. So it has been a long time, finally people decided in castle foundation walled in a Virgin. Then devil left these place and people could built a castle.
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Ķūķu cave
Address Ķūķu cave is located in Raikums parish, river Gauja right bank in Ķūķu cliffs.
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Ķūķu cliffs
Address Straupe parish, river Gauja right coast, at "Ķūķu" house. GPS: N57˚16.469′ E025˚06.326′
Description The highest Devonian cliffs in Latvia. They are 43 m high and approximately 500 m.
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Rock - Launagiezis
Address Straupe parish. Rock is located Gauja right bank, down Glūdu rock, 2 km up Brasla river, 700 m to "Ērmaņi" house,
Description Distinguished white rock, it looks the best in afternoon snack, when the sun is shining. From the top is beautiful view. Rock is 250 km long. Against to river directed rock part is 20 m high. It composed from yellowish rock in some place russet sand stone.
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Patkula cave
Address The cave is located in Raikums parish on the left bank of the river Strīķupe, as part of the Stoķu – Līgotāju Cliffs.
Description Legend has it that the great German adventurer Johann Reinhold von Patkul found a refuge in the cave while hiding from the Swedes.
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Castle mound Panūtu
Address Straupe parish GPS: N57˚21.022′ E024˚55.305′
Description It is located to Panūtu house, up to Panūtes river mouth in Brasla. Hillsides are really sloping especially East side what is against to Brasla. Castle mound plateau is flat. It length is 40 m, width in the widest place is 25 m.
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The Red cliffs
Address Cliffs is located on the border Cēsis and Raiskums parish, at river Gauja, 500 m above Raikums pub. GPS: N57˚19.321′ E025˚13.327′
Description The 100 m long and 10 m high sand – stone outcrop can seen on the steep bank of the Gauja ancient riverbed. The cliffs are famous for numerous caves and clefts giving birth to a lot of springs. The most powerful of them – Rūcamavots.
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Tree Trail of Ungurmuiža
Address Raiskums parish in Ungurmuiža GPS: N57˚21.765′ E025˚05.252′
Telephone 64164195, 29424757
Email ungurmuiza@inbox.lv
Offer Trail for knowledge, nature studies, and enjoy of nature.
Price Adults EUR 3.00, pensioner EUR 2.00, students – EUR 2.00.
Description Park is important part of manor. Park trees are got special attention – together with Gauja National park is created trail – for knowledge, nature studies and enjoy of nature. Trail is 1.3 km long and in exhibition are trees and inmate. Trail with alley across Dzirnupīte unite ancient renewed bridge. Nature trail now is uniting Black alley, witch lead to Ungurmuiža builder Baron fon Kampenhauzenu family chapel. Trail is introducing with Ungurmuiža trees and ancient manor house witch was built in 18. century, Tee house, old school, barn.
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Ureles Castle Mound
Address Raikums parish
Description People called it church mound, it is located Rustēgs or Ungurs lake north side. Castle mound is mentioned in Indrik’is Livonian Chronicles.
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Vējiņi Castle Mound
Address Straupe parish. GPS: N57˚20.429′ E024˚54.313′
Description It is located in Brasla river right bank about 3 km North to Straupe, to Vējiņu house. It flatness is 55 m long and 35 m wide rampart, it is located 10 m over Brasla river level. From environment North- East side castle mound is detached with 33 m long and from outside 2,5 high rampart. Big part of Vējiņi castle mound was destroyed in ancient times in natural way.
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