17.02.2025, Monday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
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» Points of interest » Culture history

Ungurmuiža manor house
Address Raiskums parish GPS: N57˚21.765′ E025˚05.252′
Telephone 29171764
Email info@ungurmuiza.lv
Offer • To visit manor-house with guide service in Latvian and foreign languages • Rooms for seminars • Banquet • 8 double bedrooms in guest house • Meals for tourist groups • Tea ceremony
Price adults - EUR 3.00, student - EUR 2.00, pensioner -EUR 2.00. Guide: EUR 25.00latvian, EUR 35.00 other language.
Working time Every day from 10.00 till 18.00, except - Monday closed.
Description An example of 18th century Baroque wooden architecture, built by Baron von Kampenhausen as his family residence. There was created new architectural ensemble around the yard in 1731. The new dominant was the Manor-house built in 1732. Now it is regaining all its former glory, thanks to many reconstruction works. Latvia’s only manor-house from this period. Interiors with surprisingly well preserved murals. The special atmosphere of the manor can be enjoyed, walking in the park under the giant oaks or drinking tea in the tea house. The manor school, from 1734, has a conference hall and guest rooms.
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Auciems Manor Ensemble
Address Raiskums parish, Auciems
Telephone 26620422
Email turisms@pargaujasnovads.lv
Description Manor house was built in the 19th century, rebuilt at the turn of 19th and 20th century. Specific rubble-wall barn built in 1851. Front of the barn, like manor house, was decorated with wooden columns. In park are created long avenues and planed groups of trees. A small river is running through the park, a number or arched stone bridges are crossing this river. Nowadays after reconstruction there are flat.
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Lielstraupe Castle
Address Straupe parish, Straupe GPS: N57˚20.808′ E024˚56.879′
Description Lielstraupe castle was built in the end of 13th century in Romanesque style together with the church, but today’s appearance it acquires of the 18th century. Castle was ruled by von Rosen family. The church in the southern wing is without tower – today’s bell tower was built in 1848 and is 100 meters from the church. Church windows are decorated with S. Vidbergs and N. Cēsinieces stained glass.
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Mazstraupe castle
Address Straupe parish GPS: N57˚21.272′ E024˚57.091′
Description Castle was built in XIV century. Castle walls are about 2 meters thick, made from stone. The odds are that castle real function was a stronghold. Now it is Straupes elementary school.
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Raiskums manor house
Address Raiskums parish GPS: N57˚18.736′ E025˚09.581′
Description Manor ensemble was built in second half of 19th century in eclectic style. Nowadays the house with a park form ensemble. Terrace and circular staircase turns against Raiskuma Lake. Nowadays it is used as dwelling house.
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Rozbeķu manor house
Address Stalbe parish "Rozbeķi"
Description Rozbeķu manor is a natural continuation of Rozbeķu medieval castle, near Brasla coast. Rozbeķu manor was one of the largest estates in Vidzeme in size. In 1897 Rozbeku manor house burned and nowadays the ancient majesty can seen only through ruins of pavilion “Bābelīte” in manor park, as well as headstone on river Brasla edge, in memory of Lords daughter Eva Taube, who drowned oneself with stable guy, because they were not allowed to marry.
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Rozbeķu castle ruins
Address Stalbe parish, "Rozbeķi" GPS: N57˚25.093′ E024˚58.573′
Description Rozbeķi castle first in writings was mentioned in 1395. Destroyed in the Polish-Swedish war in 1601. Ruins, which are maintained to the nowadays, made configuration of old castle - rectangular building with two towers. There is preserved protection of bank and ditch remains.
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Stalbe manor house
Address Stalbe parish GPS: N57˚22.187′ E025˚01.950′
Description Name Stalbe first mentioned in 1425 in recorded history of Livonia, which comes from the estate owner Stalbitera surname. Manor owner often changed and it is significant that most of them living in this estate, has suffered tragically event. Today on manors foundation is SIA ,,Stalbes Agro”, but environment around Stalbes center is still kept action layout.
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