08.09.2024, Sunday
Aktualitātes Pārgaujas apvienībā
Apmeklējumi šodien:
8, pašlaik vēro: 1.

» Points of interest » Culture history


Auciems Manor Ensemble
Address Raiskums parish, Auciems
Telephone 26620422
Email turisms@pargaujasnovads.lv
Description Manor house was built in the 19th century, rebuilt at the turn of 19th and 20th century. Specific rubble-wall barn built in 1851. Front of the barn, like manor house, was decorated with wooden columns. In park are created long avenues and planed groups of trees. A small river is running through the park, a number or arched stone bridges are crossing this river. Nowadays after reconstruction there are flat.
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